I'm passionately curious all the time. That hunger has lead me to go against my parents wishes and talk to strangers when I travel. It’s through the five minute or hours of interactions where I’ve learned the most about life and about myself. These quick sketches capture the essence of my most priceless encounters.

Boston Subway station | March 2016 He had nothing else but a guitar and a small backpack of his belongings, but all he cared about was how much passion he had; something that people with everything don’t think twice about.

Washington D.C. | March 2016 We ended up spending a full 8 hours and 20 miles of hiking, exploring, and museum hopping in a city foreign to the both of us. It was during this time where I was challenged on all possible topics ranging from politics and public education to mental health and love. As frustrating and refreshing as it was, he left me with the advice that it’s okay to let someone go, regardless of the time and effort you put into the relationship; don’t stay in a relationship just bec

Art store | March 2016 He was so passionate about his art. He said he wasn’t in a hurry to chase his dream to travel and draw. He wanted to make great art pieces in Boston first and build a community there. He said he wasn’t sure of where his art would take him, but that it didn’t matter as long as he was drawing.

Airplane to Rhode Island | August 2015 He was an ex-tattoo artist and current freelance mall display designer. He told me during our three hour flight that it’s a risk to do freelance as a living, and sometimes that means not eating out for a few weeks, that sometimes there won’t be a steady flow of money. But if you take the risk and a find a way to make a living, you’ll be doing something you love.

Chicago | July 2015 The first day we met, we ended up spending a few hours on a roof discussing the meaning of life, whether or not fate existed, what are dreams really were, and cheesy existential questions like those. He challenged everything I stated, but more importantly, he genuinely wanted to help push me forward with my own thinking. The butterflies in my stomach would not shut up the whole time; I was so inspired.